Changing how women relate to movement and how they feel in their bodies, is everything to me.

Just wanted to say thanks for 2 great bootcamps this week...I feel limber and cheerful. Your classes are brilliant.
— Carlie, Hove
Every session is about rediscovering how strong your body actually is...I particularly love how body positive she is. As a “larger” woman, I never feel self-conscious or embarrassed in her classes.
— Alex, Hove
It’s been such a lifeline - I hadn’t realised how much feeling stronger in my body helped my mind too.
— Jess, Hove
Fantastic supportive and encouraging teacher.
— Antonia, Hove
I have really enjoyed Christine’s Pilates class, the exercises are gentle but effective and I am now much more aware of my posture and how I am using my muscles and body.
— Theresa, Hove
I LOVE the strength aspects - makes me feel powerful. Watch out world!
— Rachel, Shoreham
Thank you so much, I really enjoyed that! I did roll ups! The blanket works great, thank you so much for telling me about that.♡
— Nikki, Brighton
I recommend Christine Chessman who is an amazing woman centred Pilates teacher and fitness coach.♡
— Sandra, Brighton